The first clue that it's Tet is that kumquat trees appear all over the city. Similar to the Christmas tree, the kumquat tree is the ultimate symbol of the holiday season in Vietnam. The trees are small (more like shrubs), bushy, and green, and are laden with dozens of bright orange kumquats. Kumquat trees can be purchased in roadside lots and come in various sizes between two and seven feet tall. They come with roots attached and are placed inside of white and blue-glazed ceramic planters. The most typical place to display a Tet tree is on either or both sides of a main entrance or somewhere prominent inside a main room. Optionally, the kumquat tree may be adorned with Chrismas lights and red/gold ornaments.
Kumquat tree lots are everywhere! |
Kumquat tree shoppers |
Transporting a Tet Tree |
Sold with roots attached and trimmed to fit into ceramic pots |
A large and lovely Kumquat lot |
A really big and especially kumquat-y tree outside of a cafe |
Our building's kumquat tree with typical ceramic pot, Tet ornaments, and Christmas lights |
I luv these buggers!